Code Of Ethics
To be a Leading Global Innovative Solutions provider for the ever changing needs of the society.
Empower learners with deep nursing knowledge ,desirable attitude , practical skills ,critical thinking & efficient communication skill as well as help them to understand bio-convergence and guide them to become nursing leaders and problem solvers in delivering patient-centered care.
To contribute to the effective functioning of the institutional review board so that a quality and consistent research activities can be followed as per the IRB Membership composition Composition of the IRP as follows:
2.Research co-ordinator-Vice principal cum professor
3.Committee members:HOD for all five department
Membership Policy
Membership Policies :
The membership policy should include the following requirements;
1. They should posses PG with teaching experience at least 3 years.
2. They should have interest in research area and critical review.
3. Should have good communication skills.
Role :
IRB will review and approve/Reject all the research & project activities carried out in the institution.
The Board will examine compliance with all regulatory requirements and guidelines. Roles and responsibilities of members
All members are expected to review the research proposals and attend the meeting, participate in the discussion and deliberations.
To review the submission, additional submission, progress reports and final reports.
The review the reports serious, adverse events and recommend appropriate actions.
To carry out monitoring visits at study sites as and when needed.
Research Activities:
Research coordinator is responsible for overall research activities where they have
to plan and arrange for the meeting ,research proposal and publications activities.
They chairperson is responsible for overall functioning of the IRB.
Guidelines For Conducting Clinical Research
1. All clinical studies should be reviewed and approved by the IRB before initiation of the study.
2. No retrospective approvals will be allowed. Protocols For Research Proposal : The research study proposal protocol should be scientific and complete with respect to the following sections
A. Title of the study
B. Introduction
C. Statement of the problem
D. Objectives
E. Hypothesis
F. Assumptions
G. Operational frame work
H. Delimitations
I. Conceptual frame work
J. Overview of the review
K. Detailed methodology described
i. Research design.
ii. Research approach.
iii. settings of the study.
iv. Duration of entire study and duration for participations for each individual.
v. Eligibility criteria (inclusion and exclusion criteria).
vi. sample size (number of participants that may need screening, number that
is required to be completed for analysis).
vii. sampling method
L. Data collection tools
M. If it is interventional study –details & methods of the interventional should be explained.
Plagiarism :
Plagiarism encompasses a broad spectrum, ranging from the unattributed utilization of others' published and unpublished ideas, including research grant applications, to submitting a complete paper under "new" authorship, sometimes in a different language. It can occur at any stage of planning, research, writing, or publication, and it applies to both print and non-print materials.
Plagiarism range from the unreferenced use of others published and unpublished ideas, including research grant applications to submission under “new” authorship of a complete paper, sometimes in a different language. It may occur at any stage of planning, research, writing or publications. It applies to both print and non-print.
All sources should be disclosed and if a large amount of other peoples written or Illustrative material is to be used permission must be sought. Guidelines For Submission Of Publication
Research articles should be published in index journal.
The manuscript for publication should be according to the guidelines of the respective journal in which articles is planned for publication.